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Posted By DAM Firm | March 2 2020 | Workers' Compensation

Can You Be Fired for Filing a Workers’ Comp Claim?

Workers’ compensation is one of your rights as an employee in California. The workers’ compensation program is a no-fault recovery system in which you could receive payment for your medical bills and partial lost wages without needing to prove someone else’s negligence. Almost every worker in California is eligible for workers’ comp.

Posted By DAM Firm | January 20 2020 | Workers' Compensation

What to Do If Your Workers’ Compensation Claim Is Denied

Workers’ compensation can be your outlet for financial recovery after suffering a serious injury in the workplace. It could provide the support you need to pay for medical expenses, lost income, and other costs during this difficult time. If your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance company denies your claim, however, you may feel at a loss as to what to do next.

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