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Posted By DAM Firm | May 6 2024 | Workers' Compensation

Are Repetitive Stress Injuries Covered By Workers’ Comp?

Repetitive stress injuries (RSIs), sometimes referred to as repetitive motion injuries or simply “stress injuries,” afflict millions of people across the country each year. These injuries sometimes happen due to on-the-job duties, such as repeating the same motions repeatedly without proper equipment, training, or ergonomic devices. Here, we want to discuss whether or not workers’ compensation benefits cover repetitive stress injuries.

Posted By DAM Firm | April 11 2024 | Workers' Compensation

What To Expect at Your Workers’ Comp Mediation

After sustaining a workplace injury or illness in San Bernardino, you should rightfully expect to receive workers’ compensation benefits to help with your medical costs and any lost wages you incur. Unfortunately, there are times when disputes arise between the injured worker and the employer or the insurance carrier. In these scenarios, it may be necessary for the various parties to engage in the mediation process.

Posted By DAM Firm | March 7 2024 | Workers' Compensation

Will a Pre-Existing Condition Affect My Workers’ Comp Claim?

If you sustain a workplace injury or illness, you may be worried about whether or not a pre-existing medical condition could affect your current workers’ compensation claim. The truth is that preexisting conditions can complicate matters, but they shouldn’t. If you sustain an injury or illness caused by workplace activities, you should be eligible for compensation regardless of whether or not you have a pre-existing injury.

Posted By DAM Firm | January 18 2024 | Workers' Compensation

Can You Collect Workers’ Compensation After Being Fired?

Individuals in California are almost certainly able to recover workers’ compensation benefits after sustaining an injury on the job. However, what happens if you get fired after you sustain your injury? Will this affect your workers’ compensation benefits in any way?

Can You Collect Workers' Comp After Being Fired

Fired or Not, You Should Receive Your Compensation

Individuals who sustain on-the-job injuries in California almost certainly have the right to recover workers’ compensation benefits.

Posted By DAM Firm | November 10 2023 | Workers' Compensation

Third-Party Liability for California Work Injuries

Workplace injuries are not uncommon, and injured employees will typically be able to recover workers’ compensation benefits. However, there are times when a third party causes a workplace injury, and this opens up the claim to further compensation. Third-party liability for a workplace injury often means there will be a personal injury lawsuit filed in civil court against that party. 

Posted By DAM Firm | November 2 2023 | Workers' Compensation

Workers’ Compensation Retaliation in California

Individuals should be able to file a workers’ compensation claim to receive benefits if they sustain an on-the-job injury or illness. However, there are times when employers retaliate against a worker for filing a claim.

Workers’ compensation retaliation in California is illegal but often difficult to detect and even harder to prove.

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