Our attorneys have been assisting the Orange County and Southern California communities for over 40 years.
Commercial truck operators are a lifeline for California. These drivers and their vehicles ensure goods and supplies get to and from the state each day, but there are times when truck drivers sustain injuries on the job. Here, we want to discuss whether or not truck drivers are covered by workers’ compensation insurance after a truck accident.
Individuals who sustain injuries on the job should be able to recover various types of compensation for their losses. First and foremost, this includes coverage of their medical expenses. If an injury prevents an individual from working for a short or longer period of time, they may also be able to recover a significant portion of their wages as part of the compensation.
There are various terms associated with workplace injuries that you need to be aware of, including maximum medical improvement (MMI). This is a phrase related to the process of determining when a person has reached the point in their recovery process that additional medical treatment will likely not change the situation.
If you sustain an on-the-job injury in California, then the number one priority must be seeking medical treatment. However, there are also various deadlines that you need to be aware of when it comes to reporting the injury to your employer and for recovering benefits.
Aside from seeking immediate medical care after sustaining an on-the-job injury, perhaps the most important aspect of the compensation recovery process is reporting the incident to your employer.
The construction industry is one of the most dangerous occupations individuals can have. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), approximately 20% of all workplace fatalities each year revolve around construction jobs. Here, we want to discuss how workers’ compensation operates to protect employees after a construction accident.
In the state of California, nearly every employer is required to have workers’ compensation insurance for their employees.
Traumatic brain injuries can occur in a variety of ways. Information available from Johns Hopkins indicates that a TBI happens when a person experiences a sudden blow or jolt to the head or body. Not all brain injuries are exactly alike. In fact, there are various types of brain injuries that a person could experience, with the most basic levels consisting of closed brain injuries and penetrating brain injuries.